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한림과학원 발행 도서 '2020년도 대한민국학술원 우수학술도서'로 선정

관리자 | 2020.07.13 13:49 | 조회 22670

Hallym Science Institute published books

 Selected as an excellent academic book by the Korean Academy of Sciences in 2020

- < Forgotten East Asian Diplomatic Experts > -

The excellent academic book selection and support project is a project to select and distribute excellent academic books to universities in order to activate research and writing in the field of basic academics. In 2020, 381 publishers applied for 3284 academic books published for the first time in Korea from March last year to February this year. The Ministry of Education and the National Academy of Sciences of Korea selected 271 excellent academic books for 2020. This year's excellent academic books include 66 humanities, 96 social sciences, 36 Korean studies, and 73 natural sciences. <Forgotten East Asian Diplomatic Experts>, a book published by the Hallym Academy of Sciences, was selected in the field of social science.

■ Field: Social Science  

    Korean concept communication material series <Forgotten East Asian diplomatic history experts>

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