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송인재 교수 역서, '2022 세종도서' 학술도서 부문 선정

관리자 | 2022.10.06 18:27 | 조회 10776

Hallym Science Institute Professor Song In-jae's almanac, 'Short 20th Century (Writing Jar Publishing)' was selected for the academic book category of '2022 Sejong Books' sponsored by the Korea Publishing and Culture Promotion Agency, supported by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. As a result, the books are distributed to public libraries nationwide through the Korea Publication Promotion Agency.

<Short 20th Century> is a book by Chinese thinker Wang Hui and translated by Professor Song In-jae, who majored in Chinese modern thought. In the book, China's 20th century is defined as a period of struggle to create a new culture and a period of active politics, and seeks a way of repoliticization to overcome the depoliticized reality. Major issues include the Xinhai Revolution and the subsequent ideological war, China's political and economic lines and ideological heritage during the socialist period, the Korean War, Zhang Taiyan's idea of ​​equality during the Qing Dynasty revolution, the Tiananmen Square Social Movement in 1989, the Taiwan issue, and the current status of Chinese workers. Check. 

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