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한림과학원 발행 도서 '2020년도 세종도서' 선정

관리자 | 2020.07.28 15:00 | 조회 18868

Hallym Science Institute published books

 2020 Sejong Book Selection

- <Culture>, <What are your hobbies?> -

The Korea Publication and Culture Industry Promotion Agency recently selected and announced the 'Sejong Books of 2020', and 『Culture』 published by the Hallym Institute of Science, Hallym University was selected in the social science section, and 『What is your hobby?』 was selected in the history/geography/tourism section. done.

『Culture』, the 13th book of <The Series of Conceptual History of Korea> planned by the Hallym Institute of Science, traces the path of 'culture' in Korea from the end of the 19th century through the colonial period, while Koreans in academic, media, education, and everyday discourse We analyze the complex interests and prospects projected on the word 'culture'.

Hallym Institute of Science <Everyday Concept Series> 『What is your hobby?』 reconstructs the daily concept of 'hobby' in Korean modern and contemporary history by analyzing the texts and discourses of various modern media. And it looks at what kind of hobby Koreans enjoyed.

The Sejong Book Academic Division, hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and supervised by the Korea Publication and Culture Industry Promotion Agency, is a project to select excellent books in 10 categories every year to develop the academic field and create a national knowledge-based society. has been selected The selected books will be distributed to public libraries, specialized libraries, elementary, middle, high schools and universities nationwide.

■ Social Science Division

■ History/Geography/Tourism sector

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